Maybe but i actually remember that one time when i had already been able to view them i once went on and got the message about missing plug ins or something then the next time i tied it worked and that was the time that the only thing i done different was go though the frequent page, but one other thing i have noticed since the day it has been working i have not been logged in while the time it did not work for me i was so i have not ever logged in to youtube via my PS4 just in case ha ha Glad its working though:). My last thing i can leave you with is that at E3 they said they will be implimenting the youtube player app and ability to upload via the share button.
Maybe try getting it to be on your freqyent list and go through it that way? Hope it works out for you man OH a tip when it does start to work, you know when you get that page 'Frequently Used Pages'? Well i have always went to the site via that screen and it works for me everytime. I just don't know what i done to get it to work but it does. Yeah i just loaded it up and started an AngryJoe Review of Aliens CM '720p so it does work. This is a strange one, when i first went on to youtube videos would not play for me either but without going in to that horrible tv mode i can now watch all videos on youtube via the normal url.